The responsible editor is Dr.Sc. Shulga S.N.
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof. Arkusha Yu.V., Ukraine
prof. Blaunstein N., Israel
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof. Horobets N.N., Ukraine
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof. Dubko S.P., Ukraine
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof. Katrich V.A., Ukraine
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof. Kolchigin N.N., Ukraine
acad. NASU Litvinenko L.M., Ukraine
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof. Potapov A.A., Russia
prof. Frolov V.L., Russia
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof. Shmatko A.A., Ukraine
acad. NASU Shulga V.M., Ukraine
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof. Chernogor L.F., Ukraine
acad. NASU Yakovenko V.M., Ukraine
Deputy Editor-in-Chief – Ph.D., Assoc. Tsymbal A.M.
The Editorial Board undertakes to adhere international standards of fair publication
Address of the Editorial Board: 61077, Kharkov, Freedom Square 4,
Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin,
School of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems
Phone +38-057–7075123