The Editorial reminds authors of the need to adhere international standards of fair publication
Contributions written in English, Ukrainian or Russian should be sent to one of the members of the Editorial Board or to the Editorial Office in duplicate with electronic version as MS Word (6 version and higher) and *.pdf on 3,5 inch diskette or CD. Electronic form must be added filled according to sample. By submitting a paper for publication in Biophysical Bulletin the authors imply that the material neither has been published previously nor has been submitted for publication elsewhere and that the authors have obtained all the necessary authority for publication. A camera-ready manuscript (ready for photocopying) should be typed in single spacing on good quality white paper (A4 format), one side only, preferably using inkjet or laser printer. Use the MS Word with following options 10 points Times New Roman font, text justified. Left and right margins should be 2.5 cm, upper margin should be 3.5 cm, and bottom one should be 2 cm. All pages should be numbered serially on the backside in pencil.
Mathematical and chemical symbols, equations, and formulae should be inserted in the text by computer means. Camera-ready figures should be computer-generated with printed symbols labeling axes. The font size of figure legends should be 9 points. Formulae, tables, figures should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals, e.g. (1), Table 1, Fig 1.
Layout of the Manuscript:
Leave four first lines blank on the first page. The title of the paper should appear in capital letters (12 pt, bold, centered) on the fifth line. After one blank line type initials and surnames of the authors (12 pt, bold, centered). On the next line type affiliations and full addresses including e-mail addresses of the authors (9 pt, Italic, centered). Then, place the date of the paper submission month, day, year (9 pt, centered).
After one blank line place abstract (9 pt) of the paper, from 6 to 12 lines. The abstract should contain the brief overview of the problem; method used in the paper, and main results and conclusions. The word ‘Abstract’ should be omitted.
On the next line type 5-8 key words (9 pt, the heading ‘KEY WORDS’ should be typed in bold capital letters in the beginning of the line) The text of the abstract and key words should be indented 0,5 cm from the left and right margins.
Then, leave one blank line before starting to type the text of the paper The first line of each paragraph should be indented 0,75 cm from the left margin. It is recommended to divide the text into following sections introduction (heading of this section should be omitted), MATERIALS AND METHODS (obligatory for experimental studies), RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS (headings of sections should appear in capital letters and be centered). For theoretical studies less specified text organization is envisaged, e.g. instead of section MATERIALS AND METHODS, the sections PROBLEM FORMULATION or MODEL are recommended, etc. The sections are not numbered. Sections may be subdivided in subsections, if necessary. Subsection Headings are centered and should be bold and capitalized. Leave one blank line after every section or subsection. After headings of sections and subsections a point should be omitted.
Any acknowledgement regarding support, such as names of the foundations and grant numbers should be included at the end of the text after one blank line. References to the literature should be cited in the text consecutively by Arabic numerals in square brackets. The citation of unpublished papers is prohibited. A full list of the references should be given at the end of the manuscript as a separate section.
On the additional separate sheet with left and right margins of 2,5 cm, upper margin of 3 cm, and bottom margin of 2 cm the abstract in English, Russian and Ukrainian Languages should be submitted. The word ‘Abstract’ should be omitted. On the first line type the paper title (capital letters, bold, 10 pt). On the next line place initials and surnames of the authors (centered, bold, 10 pt). On the next line type affiliations and full addresses including e-mail addresses of the authors (9 pt, Italic, centered). After one blank line place the text of the abstract (Justified, 9 pt, no indent). On the next line after heading ‘KEY WORDS’ (capital letters, bold, 9 pt) type key words (justified. 9 pt). Please, pay attention to compact organization of the manuscript.
Manuscripts that do not correspond to the instructions above will not be considered for publication.